Flower Essences are liquid, energetic remedies derived from living flowers and plants. Just as every human has a unique spirit or essence, the same is true for every plant, flower, tree and crystal. When you take a flower essence you are receiving assistance from the harmonious spirit of the plant itself and receiving all the evolutionary wisdom it has come to embody over its millions of years co-existing on planet earth.
Custom Flower Essence Formula:
30 ml for €77
Having a flower essence formula customized for you is literally ordering a transformation in a bottle. The flower, plant and crystal essences Stephania makes with the crystal clear divine guidance she receives is an alchemical art of its own. When you order your 30 ml elixir, you will be directed to fill out a short questionnaire about what you most need support with. Then Stephania sits in sacred ceremony and uses a combination of divine guidance (some call it channeling), intuition and deduction to make your unique formula. Based on your needs, the customized elixir she makes for you may include a combination of flower, plant, tree or crystal gem essences. Your essence will last you at least a full month / moon cycle and will come with a divinely guided handwritten personal note including beautiful and powerful affirmations around the themes of your essence + directions for use and a wildcrafted smudge stick, to assist in cleansing your space and auric field.
About Flower Essences
Imagine the healing effects you experience when being with Mother Nature. The harmony and peace you feel when walking through a garden or hiking through a forest... Wouldn’t it be wonderful to receive these healing effects of all those flowers, plants and trees in a way you could receive everyday at any time you needed it? Well you can! That is precisely where the natural genius of flower essences come in to support your healing journey.
Flower essences are a potent and sustainable form of botanical medicine that have been around for centuries. They bring the natural, dynamic energy of a plant directly into the human system, supporting movement towards greater health and balance. Because of their energetic and living quality, flower essences are able to interface directly and deeply with the emotional system, assisting in the release of early wounding and trauma, and even going into your cellular DNA and releasing ancestral karmic and unhealthy familial patterning.
The suppression of emotional imprints is
today considered a key contributing factor in
the formation of disease and pain.
As the underlying premise of Dr. Bach's
system of healing, disease originates in the
delicate sensitive mind and emotions before it
is manifested in the body and we must focus
on the healing of thoughts and feelings in
order to effect healing at the physical level.
Ordering a customized flower essence elixir is an easy way to receive the medicine and bio-energetic healing power of the flowers. With your custom flower essence elixir, you can start to receive the transformative effects of flower essence therapy right away, with minimal commitment and investment. They can be used alongside any other healing modality with no contraindications. They are so safe you can give them to plants, animals and even babies.

Once emotional healing takes place,
physical healing takes place.
The customised flower essences elixirs Stephania make’s is an alchemical art of its own. When you order your 30 ml elixir, you will be directed to fill out a short questionnaire about what you most need support with. Then, Stephania sits in sacred ceremony and uses a combination of divine guidance (channeling), intuition and deduction to make your unique formula. Based on your needs, your customised elixir may include a combination of flower, plant, tree or crystal gem essences.
Stephania works with her own Cyprus Hobbit essences, which are made in a sacred ritual with the Infinite Spirit - including anything and everything that comes from the Divine and is here to support her on fulfilling her divine life purpose and soul mission, such as Angels, Elementals and Ascended Masters, using high frequency water and always in accordance to universal laws, with specific moon and astrological cycles to create beautifully alchemical essences. When making your customized essence she often combines the Cyprus Hobbit's apothecary line with the essences made by Healingherbs (specialists in Bach flower essences) and the Flower Essence Society among others. She only works with flower essence apothecaries and companies that she knows are of the highest integrity, on a spiritual, environmental, socially just and business level.